rhsb says: December 8, 2008 at 12:08 pm. Rut-roh. Hoep iz nuffin seeryus. I'm gonna get kicked offa bheer/b sumtiem tonite, but nawt shure when. (Mom will wanna uze pyooter later an wii still has onlee wun innertoobs conneckshun, NO FANKIES TEW STOOPY ROWTER!!!) b...../b Welcome to the bHotel/b California Such a Lovely place. Such a lovely face. Plenty of room at the bHotel/b California Any time of year. You can find it here. This song seems kinda appropriate fur teh moovee 1408 ...
"bHeers/b to Hope" was the top fundraiser of the event, raising just shy of $18000 for Lymphoma research. Thanks to all of you , I was very pleased and honored to pledge my donation .I had the opportunity to met fellow survivors, b.../b
The Bad Guys are the City Leaders who made poor investments and failed to fully fund the Pension Plan using the money instead on pet projects like the Ice Skating Rink, a million dollars to redo the square, the bHeers/b etc.. Seniors and retirees are being b.../b Hand out flyers, Call Talk Radio and Tell Friends, Neighbors, Etc. To Help Send Checks to New Jobs technologypark2006.org Not New Taxes: 1441 South bEstate/b Ave Springfield, MO 65804. Include employer name, Retired, b.../b